Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Got out of Jury Duty - HOOORAY

I had to be at the Jamaica Civil courthouse at 830am yesterday. It took me an hour+ to get there. N train to Qboro, 7 train to Jackson Heights, F train to Sutphin Blvd. Yikes. There were about 200+ potential juries in the waiting room. It was a petit jury summons, which means (as I learned yesterday) that the prosecution and defense needed 6 jurors and 2 alternates. The case that I was possibbly going to juror was about an older gentlemen was was injured at the dentist office. "Ouch!" I thought. But it wasn't by the dentist, it was because a fiber composite ceiling tile fell on his shoulder and he is suing for compensation. Fiber composite boards are about 2 feet by 2 feet and weigh less than a pound. I was raised by a father who told me to "shake it off walk it off." I had no sympathy for this cry baby and the ambulance chaser he had posing as an attorney. Dismissed.

Today I am going to the Actors Fund to check out their job search and resume clinic at noon. I am excited about it. While I have come to terms with having a sidejob again, I don't really want it to be in real estate. But.....I still need the flexibility. There in lies the rub.

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